Together for Venice against Covid19

Our Foundation is a UK based no profit organization that takes its name from the venetian brand, Olmar 1957.
We embrace the concept of providing people a better and healthier way of living their life, taking care of their wellbeing.
In this moment, Italy is living a very difficult situation. People are limiting their own freedom in the pursuit of fighting the spread of the coronavirus. Medical staffs are trying to cope with all the cases, assisting the people who got infected by the virus.
Venice is no exception. Right now, there is the need to show real support for a city that is part of our DNA, part of what we are. The territory needs us; hospitals need our help.
This crowdfunding initiative aims at collecting money to buy medical devices to help people recover from the disease and go back to their families. These funds will be directed to the purchase of ventilators and life support devices.
We are Venice, Venice is Us.
Fondazione Olmar